Thursday 4 September 2008

What the Kiwi gossip mags say

Mike Hosking is preparing for his telly comeback by denying rumours he and Kate Hawkesby - his sometime partner on TV One's breakfast�news prove - were caught property hands in public.

The Who Wants to be a Millionaire horde with the messy pilus was widely rumoured to have been seen holding Kate's hand under a table at the New Zealand Radio Awards in May.

But Mike tells Woman's Weekly that's a "lie", and�he's been�too busy pile biking and�looking after his kids while�wearing impossibly horrifying shirts to care around scurrilous gossip.

"That was a lie. They made it up. I know, because I was there," an emphatic Mike tells WW.

"If people need to spend their lives gossiping, then good fortune to them, but I have better things to do with my time."

Anyone else feel a Bill Clinton moment coming on?

If you point over to Woman's Day, you'd be forgiven for thinking Olympic champion Valerie Vili had split with her husband.

That's an leisurely assumption to make from the cover up headline, 'Why my married man left me,' merely readers hoping for a juicy wedlock break-up to drool over will feel cheated.

Instead, Valerie's husband Bertrand "left her" because he had a discus contention in France to acquire while his gold medal-winning wife was�throwing heavy stuff in Beijing.

"It was what we had to do for both of our careers, so it wasn't a intemperate decision," Valerie tells WD.

Who would reason back when�faced with forearms like that?

Elsewhere, Paul Holmes returns to the small talk mags with a disconsolate face. No, he hasn't joined�a kindergarten painting class - he's raising awareness for prostate cancer, which he is recovering from.

Paul tells NI hormone intervention killed his prostate, "most or totally" ending his sex life with married woman Deborah.

"That doesn't mean that a person is not still a man. You know, I'm still competitory, ambitious and professional. I still erotic love my fellowship ... if you�keep your signified of humor you commode get through and through a hell of a lot."

Having a partially blue face certainly�helps lift the mood of others.

Other stars who run into the headlines this calendar week:

* Shortland Street star Will Hall has raised the possibility of his character on the hit Kiwi soap having a Brokeback Mountain-style� matter with TK. "That would just be weird (simply) if they do write a plot line of Kip and TK becoming cowboys who pass many a night in a collapsible shelter together, I wouldn't say no to the challenge." Just get sure those guide ropes are tied tight.

* Jennifer Aniston didn't want John Mayer but Danni Minogue says she's happy to get the Friends star's slapdash seconds.�"I saw him perform recently with his top off and I had to be calmed down. One woman's trash is another woman's treasure." Sorry, Danni, just your 'treasure' stopped existence gold a long time ago.

* Desperate Housewives champion Marcia Cross has been caught using a men's room toilet. The actress was shopping in Malibu when she was was caught short and darted into the men's urinal spell paparazzi snapped away.�More than two shakes and you're playing with it, Marcia.�

Finally, the quote of the week comes from Pierce Brosnan's bosomy wife, Keely Shgaye Smith: "I like to have curves and that's what my gentleman's gentleman likes around me. Pierce doesn't want to sleep with peel and clappers. He likes something to cuddle."

So do most workforce, Keely. But we suffer cuddling limits, and you're stretching them to the extreme.

* What do you think of this week's gossip? Post your comments below.

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